Sala Bai, Hotel & Restaurant School

Sala Bai offers to young Cambodians coming from poor families a one-year vocational and qualifying training in high-standard hospitality skills. After 13 years of existence, there is today more than a thousand of young adults who have been trained in the hospitality industry, gaining skills and confidence.

The new school of Sala Bai

A long history and a recent move

Sala Baï School opened its doors in Siem Reap and welcomed its first generation of students in 2002. Late 2015, the school moved from Taphul road to Wat Svay area, south Siem Reap in a absolutely beautiful location.

Sala Bai through the eyes of a professional photographer based in Siem Reap

I had the opportunity to photograph this new place where almost 150 students always give you their best smiles. Enjoy the visit.

Visit the Sala Bai webiste for more information and support their action.